Practical Information...


Budget and Change

The unit of currency is the Malaysian Ringgit (MYR).

You can take Euros in cash. Malaysia, in the cities, it is easy to change from banks and "Money Changers" (private exchange shops with legal authorization).

You can use your credit card in many shops

You can also withdraw cash with your credit card at the ATM

Before leaving for several days trek in the jungle, remember to leave cash in case



In Malaysia, tipping is not a custom

You can of course choose to leave small change if you are satisfied with the service

In contrast, the service (10%) and government tax (5%) are always added to bills of hotels or restaurants



The voltage is 220V or 240V and 50 Hz are taken English type

Consider getting an adapter



You will have many opportunities to taste traditional Malay cuisine "homemade" because you might take your dinners with people from time to time: All the influences of different Asian cuisines are found in Malay cuisine: Chinese, Indian, kitchen Thai, Indonesian cuisine ... so you will get to see all the flavours of Asia in Malaysia

The main foods that are found in Malay cuisine are rice (nasi), noodles (mee), chicken, beef, mutton and fish, shellfish and seafood on the coast

Gently spices enhance the flavour of any preparation

Here's a taste of some delicious discomfort that you have the opportunity to taste:

Satay: These skewers of meat (chicken or beef) marinated in a preparation of spices and peanuts before being grilled

Nasi goreng: fried rice accompanied meat and / or vegetables

Mee goreng: fried noodles accompanied by meat and / or vegetables

Nasi lemak: rice cooked in coconut milk, served with cucumber, dried anchovies and roasted peanuts

Nasi Padang: rice steamed, served with meat or fish and vegetables, watered down with a spicy curry



Malaysia is located within the tropics area, where the climate is warm throughout the year: this damp heat has played a key role in the formation of the wild nature in Malaysia

If some continental regions extend in the tropics arid, Malaysia, bordered on all sides by the sea, is bathed continuously by a warm, moist air, which brings moisture and rainfall at certain times of the year


The country has two monsoon periods

From November to February on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia in the centre of Peninsular Malaysia (Taman Negara Park) and the coastal areas of Sabah and Sarawak

From September to November on the West Coast: the rains are less abundant than on the East Coast, but they are often accompanied by winds of Sumatra (west winds violent).

However, the average atmospheric temperature is always between 22 and 32 °C 

Meanwhile, the temperature of the water is almost constant and is between 26 C° and 29 C° all year



No vaccinations are required for travellers from Europe

It is nevertheless advisable to be updated in the following vaccinations: tetanus, polio, diphtheria, hepatitis B



In Malaysia the drinking water is only in large cities. It is still better to drink mineral water: you will find all bottles of mineral water during the trip

Nevertheless, we recommend that you bring purifying tablets of Microspore: they can be helpful when trekking in the jungle


Know- live

Remember that you are a host, observe local traditions, respect the dignity of people who live and work there

Malays attach great importance to behavior in society and holding dress, which, for them, mark the respect towards others

Malaysian tradition teaches that the foreigner is a guest and should be treated such as

In contrast, we are ambassadors for our country

It is important for the smooth journey to respect the customs of the country that you are visiting:

before taking pictures of people, ask their permission

Systematically, no need to shake hand for greeting. A nod and a smile is enough

Do not point the finger at one person

Always remove your shoes before entering a Malaysian house as well as a place of worship

Do not touch the heads of people, even children

Do not sneeze or blow your nose at the table

Never refuse a dish when you are in home stay. You offend them. Try to taste all: that honour the person who prepared it

King is highly respected by the people, "Do not criticize the political system in public."

Never swim naked or topless for women. Bikini or better one-piece suits are suitable for your swimming



You can find in Malaysia, over the holiday, some wonderful traditional objects

The Batiks: they are printed fabrics which patterns are often ornate and colourful. The origins of batik back to a little more than a thousand years

Tin: Tin mines were contributed to the capital (fortune) of Malaysia. You will find mainly in the state of Perak. It is very beautiful vases or figurines. There are different grades of Tin: so be careful before you buy

Kites: you find magnificent kites that manufactured as artisanal and traditional: in colourful fabrics and wood, they can take different forms, but generally represent an animal

Aboriginal objects: you will have the opportunity to find them in Taman Negara or Borneo. Usually made of wood, you can bring a real blowgun, beautiful sculptures and statues and masks

Kriss: the famous Malaysian Kriss is a wavy blade. Ceremonial object, the Malays are transmitting from father to son for generations, it is making real Kriss to real collectibles

However, we may acquire newer markets. We can find all sizes and all prices. Note that the blades real Kriss are always decorated with engravings and must be stained with the blood of the enemy.

Finally, the real Kriss have the distinction of holding the blade balanced


The Malaysian people

Malaysia has long been occupied by men. The first inhabitants were from continental Asia before directing southward until Australia. As we said in the historical part, Peninsular Malaysia was a land of passage and immigration for different people, but the island of Borneo was less affected by the influence of merchants and immigrants

Away from the coast, various tribes are distinguished by their culture and language. Most of these tribes lived and still live in longhouses: community houses, all in length, they practice the rotation of cultures, consume of alcohol of rice, are divided into several social classes, practice the art of tattooing. .. Today, the Iban are the largest indigenous group in Borneo

In Taman Negara, you probably encounter and meet Orang Asli: a people are living in nomadic way in the forest

For having only resources of the products of their forest, Orang Aslis live by hunting and gathering. They hunt using blowguns Long 1.50 meter and darts 10 to 20 centimetres coated with a poison harmless to humans from a tree called Ipoh. To reach their target at 100 meters, they use an ancient technique of filling their stomach and air to blow a short, powerful blow

They harvest the honey and pure water cutting the roots of a tree-shaped vine growing in the ground. Orang Aslis know all kinds of natural remedies to heal the wounds




The national language of Malaysia is Bahasa Melayu or Bahasa Malaysia, idiom which approximates to Bahasa Indonesia. Since 1972, Indonesia and Malaysia have adopted a common orthography. The national language is written in Latin characters

However, the signs are not in English but in Bahasa Malaysia

Welcome = Selamat datang

Good morning (until 12 pm) = Selamat pagi

Good afternoon (up to 18h) = Selamat malam

Goodbye!  = Selamat Tinggal

Bon voyage! = Selamat jalan

Please = Tolong or sila

Thank you very much = Terima Kasih

You're welcome! = Sama sama

Excuse me, pardon =  Ma'af

How are you?  =  Apa Kabar

It goes well = Kabar baik

How do you call yourself?  = Apa nama awak?

I'm Michel = Cantik Michel

I do not understand = saya Tidak mengerti

Yes = Ya

No =  Tidak or Ta

How much does it cost?  = Berapa (pronounced brapa)

The words you'll encounter:

Route = Jalan

Market = Pasar

Output (at the airport) = keluar

Lake = Tasek

Cave = Gua

Village = Kampung

Beach = Pantai

Mountain = Gunung

River = Sungai

Boat = Kapal

Taxi = Teksi

Airport = Lapangan Terbang



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